4 Places and Items In An Office That Must Be Kept Clean

Offices are where things happen for a company. Whether the company is large or small, new or established, an office can be considered to be an important aspect for, not only the company but for employees as well. It is an area that is shared among many people for long hours of the day. Many office managers wonder what can be done to keep their office in working order and a sanitized place for their coworkers, clients, and investors. 

We’ll tell you areas around the office that should be kept clean at all times, or that should be cleaned more often.

1. Light Sources

It is important to remember that many offices tend to keep their lights on for almost the entire day. Light sources such as light bulbs and fluorescent strip lights are used all day, which means they tend to accumulate unwanted things. Dust is a big factor that must be taken into consideration when cleaning these parts of an office because they show up regularly and are sometimes unavoidable. Sometimes even insects can be found around light sources in an office. That is why it is important to clean these areas regularly.

2. The Kitchen

The office kitchen, whether it is large or small, is regularly used by anybody looking to heat up their food or looking to fix a warm cup of coffee. It is important to remember that microwaves and sinks can build up unwanted germs and bacteria from food splatter or other liquids. It can become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria that can change the look and even smell of the office.

3. Telephones

Making calls every day in the office can mean being on the phone for a couple of minutes and sometimes even hours. Telephones are a great tool for anybody that works in an office. They receive everyday contact that can range from one person to multiple people every day. Our face sometimes even comes in contact with the office telephones. They can transmit germs and bacteria, which can make some people ill.

4. Office Chairs

Office chairs are used every day and sometimes it is forgotten that they need to be cleaned regularly. They are often overlooked, but chairs can gather dust and on other occasions even dirt. Make sure to always maintain chairs to avoid dirt, bacteria, and dust build-up.


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